
We wish there were some moving, profound words we could put down to convey how super important our blog is. How, without our infrequent posts, the seas would stop crashing to shore, the sun would not rise each morning and the earth would tilt off its axis. In reality, though, this is just another food blog, chronicling the adventures of a couple having a menage a trois with food.

We love everything about food: cooking it, sharing it, photographing it, talking about it, rubbing it all over our exposed skin. OK, maybe not the last part, but it’s easy to get carried away when talking about food. More than anything, there is a joy that’s hard to duplicate when you discover a new restaurant, a new dish or a new ingredient that inspires you.

Trust us – we are not professionals.  Nor are we trying to get a million followers (although we would not shun blog celebrity, lavish riches and guest appearances on Letterman).  We’re just a couple of kids who love to cook, eat and share.  There will be a fair share of snark, misguided attempts at humor and bursts of profanity over new food finds.  Most importantly, though, there will always be honesty and passion.  Food, like life in general, should be an adventure.  We hope you join us for the ride.  If you enjoy it, leave us a comment.  If you don’t, then definitely give us an earful!  Expect new posts from us at least a couple times a week.  We’ll get busy if you’ll please get busy with us – click Like, click Follow, leave a Comment!

A few things to please note: we are not going to dedicate entire posts to trashing a place we don’t like. You can go to Yelp for those types of reviews, of which we’ve written more than several for well deserving establishments. Typically, we’ll only take time to write posts about places we enjoyed and would recommend. As bloggers we might occasionally get offered free shit. We won’t turn it down, but we promise it also won’t influence our reviews. If someone is kind enough to offer us something gratis and it isn’t up to par, we’ll give them the option of having us post a not-so-glowing review or not posting a review at all. We will share our thoughts with them, but giving an option of not posting something negative is just a small way of repaying kindness.

Finally, most of the recipe pics are taken by The Husband during the cooking process – you can identify them by the shitty quality or boring arrangement.  The Wife is a self-proclaimed food porn artiste and any pics with even a hint of artistic merit undoubtedly were taken by her.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. sup sonnyspade!! what’s your twitter handle!!?!?

    Posted by snt | November 6, 2011, 3:51 pm

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